JSON API implementation for aiohttp

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This project heavily inspired by py-jsonapi (author is Benedikt Schmitt). Some parts of this project is improved and refactored dev-schema branch of py-jsonapi. At beginning of aiohttp-json-api this branch was a great, but not finished implementation of JSON API with schema controllers. Also, py-jsonapi is not asynchronous and use inside self-implemented Request/Response classes.

Some of base entities of py-jsonapi was replaced with aiohttp server’s objects, some of it was divided into new separate entities (e.g. JSONAPIContext or Registry).


  • Tutorials
  • Improve documentation
  • Tests
  • Features description
  • Customizable payload keys inflection (default is dasherize <-> underscore)
  • Support for JSON API extensions (bulk creation etc.)
  • Polymorphic relationships


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the cookiecutter-pypackage project template.