Source code for

Schema abstract base classes

import abc
import inspect
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
from types import MappingProxyType

import inflection

from .processors import MetaProcessors
from .field import FieldABC
from ..jsonpointer import JSONPointer

_issubclass = issubclass

[docs]def issubclass(subclass, baseclass): """Just like the built-in :func:`issubclass`, this function checks whether *subclass* is inherited from *baseclass*. Unlike the built-in function, this ``issubclass`` will simply return ``False`` if either argument is not suitable (e.g., if *subclass* is not an instance of :class:`type`), instead of raising :exc:`TypeError`. Args: subclass (type): The target class to check. baseclass (type): The base class *subclass* will be checked against. >>> class MyObject(object): pass ... >>> issubclass(MyObject, object) # always a fun fact True >>> issubclass('hi', 'friend') False """ try: return _issubclass(subclass, baseclass) except TypeError: return False
def _get_fields(attrs, field_class, pop=False): """ Get fields from a class. :param attrs: Mapping of class attributes :param type field_class: Base field class :param bool pop: Remove matching fields """ fields = [ (field_name, field_value) for field_name, field_value in attrs.items() if issubclass(field_value, field_class) or isinstance(field_value, field_class) ] if pop: for field_name, _ in fields: del attrs[field_name] return fields def _get_fields_by_mro(klass, field_class): """ Collect fields from a class, following its method resolution order. The class itself is excluded from the search; only its parents are checked. Get fields from ``_declared_fields`` if available, else use ``__dict__``. :param type klass: Class whose fields to retrieve :param type field_class: Base field class """ mro = inspect.getmro(klass) # Loop over mro in reverse to maintain correct order of fields return sum( ( _get_fields( getattr(base, '_declared_fields', base.__dict__), field_class, ) for base in mro[:0:-1] ), [], )
[docs]class SchemaMeta(abc.ABCMeta, MetaProcessors): @classmethod def _assign_sp(mcs, fields, sp: JSONPointer): """Sets the :attr:`BaseField.sp` (source pointer) property recursively for all child fields. """ from aiohttp_json_api.fields.base import Relationship for field in fields: field._sp = sp / if isinstance(field, Relationship): mcs._assign_sp(field.links.values(), field.sp / 'links') @classmethod def _sp_to_field(mcs, fields): """ Returns an ordered dictionary, which maps the source pointer of a field to the field. Nested fields are listed before the parent. """ from aiohttp_json_api.fields.base import Relationship result = OrderedDict() for field in fields: if isinstance(field, Relationship): result.update(mcs._sp_to_field(field.links.values())) result[field.sp] = field return MappingProxyType(result) def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): """ Detects all fields and wires everything up. These class attributes are defined here: * *type* The JSON API typename * *_declared_fields* Maps the key (schema property name) to the associated :class:`BaseField`. * *_fields_by_sp* Maps the source pointer of a field to the associated :class:`BaseField`. * *_attributes* Maps the JSON API attribute name to the :class:`Attribute` instance. * *_relationships* Maps the JSON API relationship name to the :class:`Relationship` instance. * *_links* Maps the JSON API link name to the :class:`Link` instance. * *_meta* Maps the (top level) JSON API meta member to the associated :class:`Attribute` instance. * *_toplevel* A list with all JSON API top level fields (attributes, ..., meta). :arg str name: The name of the schema class :arg tuple bases: The direct bases of the schema class :arg dict attrs: A dictionary with all properties defined on the schema class (attributes, methods, ...) """ from aiohttp_json_api.fields.base import Relationship, Attribute, Link cls_fields = _get_fields(attrs, FieldABC, pop=True) klass = super(SchemaMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) inherited_fields = _get_fields_by_mro(klass, FieldABC) declared_fields = OrderedDict() options = getattr(klass, 'Options') klass.opts = klass.OPTIONS_CLASS(options) for key, field in inherited_fields + cls_fields: field._key = key = ( or (klass.opts.inflect(key) if callable(klass.opts.inflect) else key) ) field.mapped_key = field.mapped_key or key declared_fields[field.key] = field # Find nested fields (link_of, ...) and link them with # their parent. for key, field in declared_fields.items(): if getattr(field, 'link_of', None): relationship = declared_fields[field.link_of] if not isinstance(relationship, Relationship): raise TypeError('Links can be added only for ' 'relationships fields.') relationship.add_link(field) klass._id = declared_fields.pop('id', None) # Find the *top-level* attributes, relationships, # links and meta fields. attributes = OrderedDict( (key, field) for key, field in declared_fields.items() if isinstance(field, Attribute) and not field.meta ) mcs._assign_sp(attributes.values(), JSONPointer('/attributes')) klass._attributes = MappingProxyType(attributes) relationships = OrderedDict( (key, field) for key, field in declared_fields.items() if isinstance(field, Relationship) ) # TODO: Move default links to class initializer # It will allow to use custom namespace for Links for relationship in relationships.values(): # Add the default links. relationship.links.update({ 'self': Link('jsonapi.relationships', name='self',, 'related': Link('jsonapi.related', name='related', }) mcs._assign_sp(relationships.values(), JSONPointer('/relationships')) klass._relationships = MappingProxyType(relationships) links = OrderedDict( (key, field) for key, field in declared_fields.items() if isinstance(field, Link) and not field.link_of ) mcs._assign_sp(links.values(), JSONPointer('/links')) klass._links = MappingProxyType(links) meta = OrderedDict( (key, field) for key, field in declared_fields.items() if isinstance(field, Attribute) and field.meta ) mcs._assign_sp(links.values(), JSONPointer('/meta')) klass._meta = MappingProxyType(meta) # Collect all top level fields in a list. toplevel = tuple( itertools.chain( klass._attributes.values(), klass._relationships.values(), klass._links.values(), klass._meta.values() ) ) klass._toplevel = toplevel # Create the source pointer map. klass._fields_by_sp = mcs._sp_to_field(toplevel) klass._declared_fields = MappingProxyType(declared_fields) return klass def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): """ Initialise a new schema class. """ super(SchemaMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) cls._resolve_processors() def __call__(cls, *args): """ Creates a new instance of a BaseSchema class. """ return super(SchemaMeta, cls).__call__(*args)
[docs]class SchemaOpts(object): """class Meta options for the :class:`SchemaABC`. Defines defaults.""" def __init__(self, options): self.resource_cls = getattr(options, 'resource_cls', None) self.resource_type = getattr(options, 'resource_type', None) self.pagination = getattr(options, 'pagination', None) self.inflect = getattr(options, 'inflect', inflection.dasherize) self.deflect = getattr(options, 'deflect', inflection.underscore)
[docs]class SchemaABC(abc.ABC, metaclass=SchemaMeta): OPTIONS_CLASS = SchemaOpts
[docs] class Options: pass
def __init__(self, context): """ Initialize the schema. :param ~aiohttp_json_api.context.JSONAPIContext context: Resource context instance """ self.ctx = context
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def default_getter(field, resource, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod async def default_setter(field, resource, data, sp, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_field(cls, key) -> FieldABC: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_relationship_field(cls, relation_name, source_parameter=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_value(self, field, resource, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def set_value(self, field, resource, data, sp, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def serialize_resource(self, resource, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def serialize_relationship(self, relation_name, resource, *, pagination=None): """ .. seealso:: Creates the JSON API relationship object of the relationship *relation_name*. :arg str relation_name: The name of the relationship :arg resource: A resource object :arg ~aiohttp_json_api.pagination.PaginationABC pagination: Describes the pagination in case of a *to-many* relationship. :rtype: dict :returns: The JSON API relationship object for the relationship *relation_name* of the *resource* """ raise NotImplementedError
# Validation (pre deserialize) # -----------------------
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def pre_validate_field(self, field, data, sp): """ Validates the input data for a field, **before** it is deserialized. If the field has nested fields, the nested fields are validated first. :arg BaseField field: :arg data: The input data for the field. :arg aiohttp_json_api.jsonpointer.JSONPointer sp: The pointer to *data* in the original document. If *None*, there was no input data for this field. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def pre_validate_resource(self, data, sp, *, expected_id=None): """ Validates a JSON API resource object received from an API client:: schema.pre_validate_resource( data=request.json["data"], sp="/data" ) :arg data: The received JSON API resource object :arg ~aiohttp_json_api.jsonpointer.JSONPointer sp: The JSON pointer to the source of *data*. :arg JSONAPIContext context: Request context instance :arg str expected_id: If passed, then ID of resrouce will be compared with this value. This is required in update methods """ raise NotImplementedError
# Validation (post deserialize) # -----------------------------
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def post_validate_resource(self, data): """ Validates the decoded *data* of JSON API resource object. :arg ~collections.OrderedDict data: The *memo* object returned from :meth:`deserialize_resource`. :arg JSONAPIContext context: Request context instance """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def deserialize_resource(self, data, sp, *, expected_id=None, validate=True, validation_steps=None): """ Decodes the JSON API resource object *data* and returns a dictionary which maps the key of a field to its decoded input data. :arg data: The received JSON API resource object :arg ~aiohttp_json_api.jsonpointer.JSONPointer sp: The JSON pointer to the source of *data*. :arg JSONAPIContext context: Request context instance :arg str expected_id: If passed, then ID of resource will be compared with this value. This is required in update methods :arg bool validate: Is validation required? :arg tuple validation_steps: Required validation steps :rtype: ~collections.OrderedDict :returns: An ordered dictionary which maps a fields key to a two tuple ``(data, sp)`` which contains the input data and the source pointer to it. """ raise NotImplementedError